Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Algorithm: Breadth First Search (BFS)

Graph as you must be aware is used to represent network. Network could be of any type:

1. Your friends network
2. Your work Network
3. Communication Network
4. Commute Network

As every network has nodes (src and destination) and we may have a way to reach from one to another (edge of the network).

Breadth First Search as name suggest, will try to reach neighbors first then only it will move ahead, so basically searching across the breadth of a node and then going deep.

for below graph breadth first search will go in below order, if our root node is 3.

3   4   0   1   2   5

For the graph creation please visit:

And for complete code: Github link

package madwani.sushil.Graph;
import madwani.sushil.model.Graph;
import madwani.sushil.model.Node;
import madwani.sushil.service.GraphService;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;

public class BFS {

    List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
    // to keep track of neighboring node
    Queue<Node> nodeQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(200);
    // to keep track of nodes which are visited
    HashMap<Node, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
    public void bfs(Graph g){

        if(g.getAdjacencyMap() !=null) {

            // read all the nodes
            nodes = new ArrayList<>(g.getAdjacencyMap().keySet());

            // initialize all nodes as false for visited

            //actual algo

    public void doBfs(Graph g){

        // root node to start the bfs, push to queue
        nodeQueue.add(new Node(3,"three"));

        // poll the queue and run algo till queue is empty
        do {

            Node initialNode = nodeQueue.poll();
            // get all the adjacent nodes of the polled node
            LinkedList<Node> adjacentNodes = g.getAdjacencyMap().get(initialNode) == null ?
                    new LinkedList<>():g.getAdjacencyMap().get(initialNode);

            // if not visited, get all adjacent nodes
            // print it for visibility purpose
            // mark it visited
            if(!visited.containsKey(initialNode) || !visited.get(initialNode)) {
                for (Node node: adjacentNodes){
                System.out.print(initialNode.getN() + "   ");
                visited.put(initialNode, true);
        } while (!nodeQueue.isEmpty());

    public void initializeVisited() {
        for(Node n: nodes) {
            visited.put(n, false);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GraphService service = new GraphService();
        List<Graph> graphs = service.getSampleGraphs();
        BFS bfs = new BFS();

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