Name says User Defined functions., I would rather name it to User Controlled Functionality (UCF).
Now if user is controlling/Defining it, means it is the user, who only decides what to do in function, and unfortunately Hive is written in java so user has to control Hive via java only.
So if you want to write any UDFs, you have to write java code, and its damn simple.
Before starting writing UDFs, question must be coming in mind why we require UDFs ?
Answer is simple:
Arrange Marriage vs Love Marriage
Arrange Marriage:
1. Pre-defined
2. and controlled by parents
3. means you do not have to worry about it, just have to do it.
Love Marriage : First think of your requirements.
1. kind of girl you want.
2. than after finding her/him, think of ways to woo her/him.
3. once wooed, than both start talking to parents for permissions,
4. and etc. etc. etc.
First one quite easy, isn't it ? that is the parent defined marriage (PDM), here parent is hive and anything built into(by) hive, we can directly use it.All Good, work done and no pain.
But we are adventurous, we want to define and control each and every thing of our partner, how can parents impose anyone on us or might be parents(Hive) can't understand my requirement. Go ahead man, take the pain and write all you requirement specific logic. all pain and lots of gain.
So I can say UDFs are required when:
User requirement can't be served or partially served by existing hive functions, than to achieve that functionality, we write our own function and that is called UDFs.
Lets start writing UDFs, I am using ECLIPSE IDE to write UDFs.
My requirement is wherever student got marks between 31 to 32 make it 33 ( give 1-2 grace marks to pass student )
Data Setup:
create a marks.txt in your local with below data:
sushil 31 Maths
Sushil 50 Phy
Sushil 10 Che
Kumar 31 Maths
KUmar 100 Phy
Kumar 30 Che
Madwani 32 Maths
Madwani 40 Phy
Madwani 50 Che
Naga 20 Maths
Naga 40 Phy
Naga 33 Che
Malli 10 Maths
Malli 50 Phy
Malli 60 Che
Rajesh 70 Maths
Rajesh 90 Phy
Rajesh 32 Che
Kumar 50 Maths
Kumar 60 Phy
Kumar 70 Che
Subhijit 100 Maths
Subhijit 90 Phy
Subhijit 20 Che
Asha 31 Maths
Asha 32 Phy
Asha 33 Che
2. Table Creation and data load:
CREATE TABLE udf_test ( name string, marks int, subject string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/sushil/bigadata/hivedata/marks.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE udf_test;
3. Write UDF using java.
1. Create a simple java project.
2. Add Hive Jars in the classpath from downloaded hive/lib folder.
3. Crate a class, lets name it Give1OR2GraceMarks which is extending hive UDF class.
package com.sushil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
public class Give1OR2GraceMarks extends UDF {
public int evaluate(int value) {
if(value >30 && value < 33){
return value;
4. right click on class and export as jar. I have given the jar name as same Give1OR2GraceMarks.jar
Now Girl/Boy is wooed ( UDF logic is written), next have to convince parents. here our parent is hive and we have to convince Hive to let us associate UDFs with hive. For that we have to do below :
1. add logic (jar) to the hive.
hive> add jar /home/sushil/bigadata/hivedata/Give1OR2GraceMarks.jar;
The above command will add the jar into classpath.
2. create a temporary hive function for this for above functionality.
hive> CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION GRACE AS 'com.sushil.Give1OR2GraceMarks';
3. run the select command on table data
hive> select name, GRACE(marks), subject from udf_test;
Do remember, this function will change data values temporally, if you see file in warehouse, you will see after querying no data changes.
hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/hadoop.db/udf_test/marks.txt
Result should be:
sushil 31 Maths
Sushil 50 Phy
Sushil 10 Che
Kumar 31 Maths
KUmar 100 Phy
Kumar 30 Che
Madwani 32 Maths
Madwani 40 Phy
Madwani 50 Che
Naga 20 Maths
Naga 40 Phy
Naga 33 Che
Malli 10 Maths
Malli 50 Phy
Malli 60 Che
Rajesh 70 Maths
Rajesh 90 Phy
Rajesh 32 Che
Kumar 50 Maths
Kumar 60 Phy
Kumar 70 Che
Subhijit 100 Maths
Subhijit 90 Phy
Subhijit 20 Che
Asha 31 Maths
Asha 32 Phy
Asha 33 Che
Now if user is controlling/Defining it, means it is the user, who only decides what to do in function, and unfortunately Hive is written in java so user has to control Hive via java only.
So if you want to write any UDFs, you have to write java code, and its damn simple.
Before starting writing UDFs, question must be coming in mind why we require UDFs ?
Answer is simple:
Arrange Marriage vs Love Marriage
Arrange Marriage:
1. Pre-defined
2. and controlled by parents
3. means you do not have to worry about it, just have to do it.
Love Marriage : First think of your requirements.
1. kind of girl you want.
2. than after finding her/him, think of ways to woo her/him.
3. once wooed, than both start talking to parents for permissions,
4. and etc. etc. etc.
First one quite easy, isn't it ? that is the parent defined marriage (PDM), here parent is hive and anything built into(by) hive, we can directly use it.All Good, work done and no pain.
But we are adventurous, we want to define and control each and every thing of our partner, how can parents impose anyone on us or might be parents(Hive) can't understand my requirement. Go ahead man, take the pain and write all you requirement specific logic. all pain and lots of gain.
So I can say UDFs are required when:
User requirement can't be served or partially served by existing hive functions, than to achieve that functionality, we write our own function and that is called UDFs.
Lets start writing UDFs, I am using ECLIPSE IDE to write UDFs.
My requirement is wherever student got marks between 31 to 32 make it 33 ( give 1-2 grace marks to pass student )
Data Setup:
create a marks.txt in your local with below data:
sushil 31 Maths
Sushil 50 Phy
Sushil 10 Che
Kumar 31 Maths
KUmar 100 Phy
Kumar 30 Che
Madwani 32 Maths
Madwani 40 Phy
Madwani 50 Che
Naga 20 Maths
Naga 40 Phy
Naga 33 Che
Malli 10 Maths
Malli 50 Phy
Malli 60 Che
Rajesh 70 Maths
Rajesh 90 Phy
Rajesh 32 Che
Kumar 50 Maths
Kumar 60 Phy
Kumar 70 Che
Subhijit 100 Maths
Subhijit 90 Phy
Subhijit 20 Che
Asha 31 Maths
Asha 32 Phy
Asha 33 Che
CREATE TABLE udf_test ( name string, marks int, subject string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' STORED AS TEXTFILE;
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/sushil/bigadata/hivedata/marks.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE udf_test;
3. Write UDF using java.
1. Create a simple java project.
2. Add Hive Jars in the classpath from downloaded hive/lib folder.
3. Crate a class, lets name it Give1OR2GraceMarks which is extending hive UDF class.
package com.sushil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
public class Give1OR2GraceMarks extends UDF {
public int evaluate(int value) {
if(value >30 && value < 33){
return value;
4. right click on class and export as jar. I have given the jar name as same Give1OR2GraceMarks.jar
Now Girl/Boy is wooed ( UDF logic is written), next have to convince parents. here our parent is hive and we have to convince Hive to let us associate UDFs with hive. For that we have to do below :
1. add logic (jar) to the hive.
hive> add jar /home/sushil/bigadata/hivedata/Give1OR2GraceMarks.jar;
The above command will add the jar into classpath.
2. create a temporary hive function for this for above functionality.
hive> CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION GRACE AS 'com.sushil.Give1OR2GraceMarks';
3. run the select command on table data
hive> select name, GRACE(marks), subject from udf_test;
4. If all good, you see in the results for all the students whose marks were 31 or 32 got 1 or 2 grace marks.
sushil 33 Maths
Sushil 50 Phy
Sushil 10 Che
Kumar 33 Maths
KUmar 100 Phy
Kumar 30 Che
Madwani 33 Maths
Madwani 40 Phy
Madwani 50 Che
Naga 20 Maths
Naga 40 Phy
Naga 33 Che
Malli 10 Maths
Malli 50 Phy
Malli 60 Che
Rajesh 70 Maths
Rajesh 90 Phy
Rajesh 33 Che
Kumar 50 Maths
Kumar 60 Phy
Kumar 70 Che
Subhijit 100 Maths
Subhijit 90 Phy
Subhijit 20 Che
Asha 33 Maths
Asha 33 Phy
Asha 33 Che
Do remember, this function will change data values temporally, if you see file in warehouse, you will see after querying no data changes.
hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/hadoop.db/udf_test/marks.txt
Result should be:
sushil 31 Maths
Sushil 50 Phy
Sushil 10 Che
Kumar 31 Maths
KUmar 100 Phy
Kumar 30 Che
Madwani 32 Maths
Madwani 40 Phy
Madwani 50 Che
Naga 20 Maths
Naga 40 Phy
Naga 33 Che
Malli 10 Maths
Malli 50 Phy
Malli 60 Che
Rajesh 70 Maths
Rajesh 90 Phy
Rajesh 32 Che
Kumar 50 Maths
Kumar 60 Phy
Kumar 70 Che
Subhijit 100 Maths
Subhijit 90 Phy
Subhijit 20 Che
Asha 31 Maths
Asha 32 Phy
Asha 33 Che